Schedule of New Releases in February 2022
Writer: LittleFox | Views: 1,257 | Date: 2022-01-18 09:03

New releases in February 2022 are scheduled as below:


Final Episode

February 14

爱丽丝梦游仙境 (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

What fantastic adventures will Alice have in this adaptation of the beloved children's novel by Lewis Carroll? (24 Chapters)


New Song

February 21

星期歌 (The Days of the Week)

Do you know the days of the week? Sing along and practice the days with this catchy new song!

New Song

February 28

早晨洗漱歌 2 (Morning Wash and Rinse Song 2)

What do you do every morning? Wake up, brush your teeth, and more with a catchy fun new song!


穿靴子的猫 (Puss in Boots)

Kindhearted Carabas needs money, but all he gets when his father dies is a cat named Puss. Will Puss be able to change Carabas' life? (24 Episodes)


小恐龙朋友们 (Dino Buddies)


Lele, Shasha, Duoduo, and Tutu are four dinosaur friends. What fun adventures will these four friends have in this Little Fox original series? (24 Episodes)


趣味儿童中心 (Fun at Kids Central)


Are you ready for after-school fun and games? Miss Shelly always has fun things for the kids to do at Kids Central. Follow their after-school activities as they make crafts, play games, cook, and more! (40 Episodes)


Final Episode

February 4

我是谁? (Who Am I?)

A simple guessing game for readers, Who Am I? provides clues about everyday jobs. As readers try to guess the jobs, they learn and practice key vocabulary words. (24 Episodes)


New Series

February 11

白雪公主和七个小矮人(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

The evil queen is determined to get rid of Snow White. But Snow White finds some new friends—seven dwarfs. Enjoy a new retelling of this classic fairy tale! (12 Episodes)

[Go to this month's Publishing Schedule]