Little Fox Chinese app is now open!
Writer: LittleFox | Views: 3,348 | Date: 2016-10-21 10:20
Hello. This is Little Fox Chinese. 

Little Fox Chinese app is now open! 

Now, you can have access to all the content on your smartphones and tablets too!  

Little Fox Chinese is a language program that gets learners to study the language with fun animated content. It’s just like our award-winning Little Fox English. Now, you can conveniently have access to our Chinese content wherever and whenever! 

  Check out the Little Fox Chinese app! 
  (An in-app purchase is required to have access to all the content.) 

 1. You can log in to the Little Fox Chinese app with your Little Fox Chinese website account. 
Learning Log will be available on the app as well. 
2. Along with the animated stories and songs, you will have access to the story quizzes and translations. 
3. However, if you log in to the app with your website account, you will only be able to view the free samples. You must make an in-app purchase to view all of the content.