Level 4 | 32 Stories
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小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood
父亲,儿子和驴 The Man, His Son, and Their Donkey
三只小猪 The Three Little Pigs
蚱蜢和蚂蚁 The Grasshopper and the Ant
北风和太阳 The North Wind and the Sun
最厉害的新郎 The Greatest Bridegroom
狮子的口臭 The Lion's Bad Breath
牛和青蛙 The Ox and the Frog
杰克的报酬 Jack's Pay
北极探险家 The Arctic Explorer
泰迪熊的故事 The Story of the Teddy Bear
从贫民到总统 From Pauper to President
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