Level 1 | 21 stories
Introduction to Initials 1: The Initial b
Introduction to Initials 2: The Initial p
Introduction to Initials 3: The Initial m
Introduction to Initials 4: The Initial f
Introduction to Initials 5: The Initial d
Introduction to Initials 6: The Initial t
Introduction to Initials 7: The Initial n
Introduction to Initials 8: The Initial l
Introduction to Initials 9: The Initial g
Introduction to Initials 10: The Initial k
Introduction to Initials 11: The Initial h
Introduction to Initials 12: The Initial j
Introduction to Initials 13: The Initial q
Introduction to Initials 14: The Initial x
Introduction to Initials 15: The Initial zh
Introduction to Initials 16: The Initial ch
Introduction to Initials 17: The Initial sh
Introduction to Initials 18: The Initial r
Introduction to Initials 19: The Initial z
Introduction to Initials 20: The Initial c
컨텐츠 정보
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연령별 선호도 최근 6개월 동안 현재 동화의 전체 학습 횟수를 각 단계 마스터 별 비율로 보여줍니다.