Level 3 | 24 stories
穿靴子的猫 1: 磨坊、驴和猫 Puss in Boots 1: A Mill, a Donkey, and a Cat
穿靴子的猫 2: 贫穷的卡拉巴斯 Puss in Boots 2: Poor Carabas
穿靴子的猫 3: 聪明的猫 Puss in Boots 3: A Clever Cat
穿靴子的猫 4: 普斯带来的另一个惊喜 Puss in Boots 4: Another Surprise from Puss
穿靴子的猫 5: 给普斯买靴子 Puss in Boots 5: Boots for Puss
穿靴子的猫 6: 普斯的计划 Puss in Boots 6: Puss Has a Plan
穿靴子的猫 7: 国王 Puss in Boots 7: The King
穿靴子的猫 8: 公爵的礼物 Puss in Boots 8: Gifts from the Duke
穿靴子的猫 9: 在城堡做客 Puss in Boots 9: A Guest at the Castle
穿靴子的猫 10: 美妙的音乐 Puss in Boots 10: Beautiful Music
穿靴子的猫 11: 盖莓果的网 Puss in Boots 11: Nets for Berries
穿靴子的猫 12: 鬼鬼祟祟的计划 Puss in Boots 12: A Sneaky Plan
穿靴子的猫 13 : 卡拉巴斯得救了 Puss in Boots 13: Carabas Is Saved
穿靴子的猫 14: 普斯偷跑了 Puss in Boots 14: Puss Sneaks Away
穿靴子的猫 15: 城堡 Puss in Boots 15: The Castle
穿靴子的猫 16: 紧张的仆人们 Puss in Boots 16: Nervous Servants
穿靴子的猫 17: 玩跳棋 Puss in Boots 17: A Game of Checkers
穿靴子的猫 18: 和食人魔做交易 Puss in Boots 18: The Ogre Makes a Deal
穿靴子的猫 19: 被狮子追 Puss in Boots 19: Chased by a Lion
穿靴子的猫 20: 欺骗食人魔 Puss in Boots 20: Tricking an Ogre
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